PDT LED Skin Rejuvenation is the interaction of light, delivered through Light Emitting Diodes (LED), to activate cell receptors causing them to produce collagen or multiply. LED offer a totally natural, non-ablative method for skin rejuvenation. The light from the LED interacts with cells and stimulates them to produce new collagen and elastin. Studies confirm that the same LED energy can be used to inhibit collagen formation, which can be helpful in the treatment of scars. By manipulating the wavelengths, cells can be turned on and off. Yellow light LEDs are used for photo-rejuvenation. Infrared LEDs are used for improving the process of metabolism and blood circulation, and anti-inflammation. Blue light LEDs are used in the treatment of acne. Red light LEDs are used for Photo Dynamic therapy (PDT). bio light photontherapy acne removal machine

While Bio light is driven by visible, infrared and ultraviolet light, which are able to pass through tissue up to 1 inch deep. PDT has been used for years to treat dermatological disease and has been recently evolved to increase a range of aesthetical treatment purpose. It has beneficial effects on cells by stimulating them into immediately creating more ATP (cellular energy) and increasing DHA and RNA activity, which help to replenish natural nutrients, restore cell activity, and promote skin health.