
Opt Hair Removal

Opt Hair Removal

  • Monday, 04 March 2024
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Opt Hair Removal

Hair removal is a very popular procedure for removing unwanted hair. There are several methods for hair removal, including waxing and laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is much more effective and less painful than waxing. It also provides long-lasting results. However, there are some things you should know before undergoing laser hair removal. For example, you should not use tanning products or go swimming before treatment. You should also exfoliate before treatment. If you do not do these things, your skin will be sensitive to the laser light and may burn or irritate it. You should also not wax your hair before a laser treatment.

Opt Hair Removal

Optimal Pulse Technology is a new and improved version of traditional IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) hair removal technology. It has the same benefits as IPL, but it is safer for darker-skinned patients. It is also more efficient than IPL. Optimal pulse technology maximizes the output of energy for every individual light pulse, which helps to prevent epidermal damage and pain. It is also able to reach a higher frequency than SHR (Super Hair Removal).

When it comes to opt hair removal, you should not be afraid of the treatment. The machine emits a laser beam that penetrates the skin and targets the melanin in the hair follicle. This light beam then heats the melanin, which causes a chemical reaction that destroys the follicle and prevents it from producing more hair. As a result, your hair will grow back lighter and thinner.

The best part about opt hair removal is that it is completely painless. Unlike waxing, which can be very painful, opt hair removal is painless and does not require any anesthesia. The only thing you might feel is a slight tingling or burning sensation, but these are minimal and do not last for very long. Additionally, it can be done in the comfort of your own home.

In addition to opt hair removal, this device is also used for other cosmetic treatments such as skin rejuvenation, acne scar reduction and pigmentation lesions. It can help reduce shallow to moderate wrinkles, shrink pores, improve skin texture and enhance elasticity. It can also reduce redness, flushing, freckles and other common vascular lesions. It can also treat port wine stains and other pigmentation lesions on the face or body.

During the treatment, you will sit in a special chair with your eyes closed. Then, the technician will apply a gel to your skin before using the handpiece to perform the treatment. The handpiece is very comfortable to hold and has a built-in cooling fan that will cool the area before the laser beam hits it. In addition, you will need a good quality xenon lamp. VIVALaser uses the PP cotton filter and ion filter to protect the xenon lamp for a longer lifespan.

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